Call for Papers (Download a PDF flyer)

The MDM series of conferences, since its debut in December 1999, has established itself as a prestigious forum for the exchange of innovative and significant research results in mobile data management. The term mobile in MDM has been used from the very beginning in a broad sense to encompass all aspects of mobility - aspects related to wireless, portable and tiny devices. The conference provides unique opportunities for researchers, engineers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore new ideas, techniques, and tools, and to exchange experiences.

As we progress into the next decade of the conference, we are witnessing improvements in sensing, tracking, and in the continued miniaturization of computing devices. The new powerful smartphones, the abundance of large rich mobile data and the coming of age of the cloud computing paradigm is opening up new avenues for research and exploration that impact larger and larger communities of humans. In this new era the problems of seamless execution over the new computing infrastructure that encompasses smartphones, mobile sensors and cellphones, of scalable data management, of access to services, of intelligent and autonomic management of architectures, systems, algorithms and security threats, are becoming of paramount importance.

The 2011 International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2011), to be held in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden (June 6-9, 2011) solicits innovative research contributions related to data management in ubiquitous, pervasive and mobile cloud computing.

Best papers from MDM 2011 will be invited to submit an extended version with significant additional content (min 30%) to a special issue on Mobile Data Management of The Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD)


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

    - Adaptability and stability of pervasive computing systems
    - Context-aware computing and location-based services
    - Data management in sensor and mobile ad hoc networks
    - Data management in mobile peer-to-peer networks
    - Data Management in the Mobile Cloud
    - Data mining for mobile applications
    - Data replication, migration and dissemination in mobile environments
    - Data stream processing in mobile/sensor networks
    - OS and middleware for mobile and pervasive computing
    - Indexing and query processing for moving objects
    - Query processing and optimization for mobile users
    - Resource advertising and discovery techniques
    - Theoretical foundations of data-intensive mobile computing
    - OS and middleware for mobile and pervasive computing
    - Security and privacy issues for ubiquitous systems
    - Pervasive Data Management
    - Transactions and workflows in mobile environments
    - Location and Trajectory data management
    - Publish/subscribe and Query processing middleware for mobile data
    - Mobile Cloud Computing
    - Mobile Semantic Data Management
    - Human-centric Activity Recognition
    - Augmented Reality systems, data issues
    - Managing pervasive data, sensor data streams and user devices
    - People-centric mobile sensing networks and smart urban spaces
    - Management of community sensing/participatory sensing data
    - Management of Real-time Data in Converged Networks
    - Mobile social applications and services

*** Research Track Submission Deadline Extended (Dec 10, 2010) ***

Due to numerous requests by authors seeking more time to submit their papers, and due to other conflicting submission deadlines, we are pleased to announce extension to the research paper submission deadline by 2 weeks.


Abstract registration:........................................December 10, 2010
Paper submission:............................................December 10, 2010
Acceptance notification:.....................................February 21, 2011
Camera-ready paper submission:.......................April 21, 2011