Call for Demo Proposals

As part of the MDM 2011 conference, the Demo program offers an exciting opportunity for researchers and practitioners to demonstrate their state-of-the-art results to a wide audience of professionals in the area of mobile, ubiquitous, and pervasive computing. The Demo program provides a highly interactive environment and an excellent way for demonstrating implementations of your research on mobile databases, systems, services and middleware, to advertise the results and their applicability, and to receive feedback from the experts in the research area.


The Demo Track of the MDM 2011 conference welcomes proposals in the areas of mobile and wireless computing disciplines stated in the MDM 2011 call for research and industrial papers. We solicit proposals for demonstrations of products or prototypes based on innovative research and applications.

Submission Instructions

Demo proposals should clearly describe what will be demonstrated and how the contributions will be illustrated interactively. It is highly recommended to include in the proposals a URL that shows a preliminary version of the demo (e.g., on-line version of the demo, screenshots, etc.).

All submitted demo proposals must be formatted according to IEEE camera-ready format ( and must be no longer than four pages. This page limit includes paper title, authors and affiliation, abstract, body, figures, and bibliography. Accepted demo proposals will appear in the final proceedings.

Submissions in PDF are to be uploaded to the conference submission site at ( under the demo tack.

Demo proposals will be selected based on (i) the novelty and originality of the demo and the underlying research, (ii) the technical quality of the proposed implementation, and (iii) the breadth of the applicability and attractiveness. The industrial potential of the demonstrated system may also be considered. Authors may submit to both to the demo and industrial session.Please note that at least one author of each accepted demo presentation must register for the conference and present the demo.

For questions please contact MDM 2011 demo chairs: Hui Lei ( or Claudia Roncancio (


Submission of demo proposals:..........................March 07, 2011
Acceptance notification:.....................................March 25, 2011
Camera-ready paper submission:.......................April 21, 2011