Call for Papers
Submission deadline : 20th Mar. 2017 10rd Apr. 2017 !!!!
With the widespread use of smartphones, location-based services have become very popular these days. The incorporation of highly precise positioning technologies with mobile applications is expected to enhance the quality and safety of our daily lives. Location-based IoT services and Location-based O2O services will be popularized. The effect will be much more dramatic indoors than outdoors because more than 80% of our daily life is spent indoors. Nevertheless, accurate positioning service is available for only a limited number of buildings. Providing a highly accurate indoor positioning service in most buildings globally is a challenging task. In this workshop, we are seeking papers on indoor positioning technologies that can provide a highly precise indoor positioning service in most buildings globally. Many signals such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Magnetic fields, and sensors like 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, compass can be used to implement indoor positioning systems in various coverage areas such as buildings, blocks, and cities. Crowdsourcing, sensor fusion, and machine learning, accompanied by large-scale mobile data management are three key techniques to be considered for widening the coverage areas and improving the positioning accuracy. This workshop encourages the submission of papers in the following indoor positioning techniques and mobile application research topics (but not limited to):
- Crowdsourcing Approaches for Positioning
- Machine Learning and Positioning Techniques
- Positioning Algorithms, Filters, Similarity Measures
- AOA, TDOA Based Positioning
- Signal Strength Based Positioning, Fingerprinting
- Inertial Sensor Based Positioning, Sensor Fusion
- UWB (Ultra-wideband) Based Positioning
- Cell-Tower Based Positioning, Small Cell Based Positioning
- Ultra Sound Based Positioning
- Magnetic Positioning
- RFID Based Positioning
- Vision Based Positioning
- Hybrid Positioning Framework
- Collaborative Positioning
- Tracking and Navigation
- Positioning for Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Location Based IoT Services
- Location Based O2O Services
- Location Based Mobile Applications
Important Dates
: Submission of Workshop Papers4/20/2017
: Acceptance Notification5/05/2017
: Camera Ready Submission5/29/2017
: Workshop Day
- Workshop Chair
- Prof. Dongsoo Han, KAIST, Korea,
- Program Committee
- Prof. Junekoo Lee, KAIST, Korea,
- Prof. Chi-Yin Chow, City University of Hongkong,
- Prof. Chansu Yu, Cleveland State University,
- Prof. Sunwoo Kim, Hanyang University,
- Dr. Christos Laoudias, Huawei Ireland Research Center,
- Prof. Demetris Zeinalipour, University of Cyprus,
- Prof. Lin Choi, Korea University,
All submissions need to follow IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. See templates here.
The paper submission site is available at
Please direct inquiries and intent to submit notifications to Workshop Chair, Dongsoo Han, KAIST (